Monday, August 31, 2009

Yves Saint Laurent: Timeless elegance and style

If I had to pick someone stylish around 1967-1972, I would definetly choose Yves Saint Laurent, a man who's a fashion legend and visionary. His personal style around these years was remarkable and at its peak. A style and exquisite taste that was reflected on his menswear Rive Gauche collection.

The key element is this collection was the safari jacket, which I talked about several months ago, and became a 70s menswear staple.

Below YSL modelling his own designs at Marrakech, a crisp white linen safari jacket ensemble, paired with a dark shirt and a multicored silk cravatte.

Photo: TFS


  1. I totally agree. Great post. You've got a really fantastic blog. I really like it. Have a great week.

  2. Thanks for your comments, glad you liked it and looking forward to seeing you here. You too have a great week!
