Thursday, November 5, 2009

"La Dolce Vita" inspires advertising

This is my blog's 200th post and to conmemorate this milestone and thank all of my readers for their support, today I'll be posting a very original advertising campaign from 2006. What makes this campaign original is that it is 100% inspired on the 60s cinema classic "La Dolce Vita".

I won't tell you what this campaign consists of, since words can't be precise to describe it. However I can tell you that the first time I spotted this advertising campaign was while strolling on 7th Avenue in New York City back in the summer of 2006. Below a photo of this very original billboard.

Months later I stumbled with the TV spots which were part of this campaign. Below you can see the black and white & color versions of these spots.

Photos & Videos: Flickr, Own, Youtube


  1. i love that of my favourite ever!!
    nice ad and....unbelievably beautiful girl!!!

  2. i love it! the girkl is so hot too
    check out my blog
