"To Catch A Thief" is a Hitchcock film from 1955, starring Grace Kelly as Frances Stevens, an American heiress & Cary Grant as John Robie, a former jewel thief. Set in the French Riviera (Cannes and Monaco mainly), this film does not only have an interesting and intriguing plot (someone is commiting jewel thefts under Robie's name, and both Frances and the real Robie are determined to catch the thief), but it is also a great example of fashion in the mid 50s.
Cary Grant is seen throughout the movie wearing tuxedos, nautical inspired shirts, sleek suits, and an all black ensemble. Grace Kelly's wardrobe designed by Edith Head is the perfect complimment to her beauty and classy personality.
It was around the time this film was made that Grace Kelly met Prince Rainier of Monaco, and in one scene Grace drove on the same road where she had the car accident that took away her life.
Cary Grant is not only one of Hollywood's most elegant actors, but he is the one who co-starred in films with Hollywood beauties and legends such as: Deborah Kerr, Grace Kelly, and Audrey Hepburn.
Cary Grant was a very stylish man!!
ReplyDeleteespecially his grey suits were awesome!nice post!
Glad you liked it! Indeed his grey suits are legendary, I think he's one of the few who can pull them out.
ReplyDeleteI love this movie so much! Cary & Grace are great film favorites of mine, Hitch is a genius and the plot is a balanced mixture between suspense and romance.
ReplyDeleteAnd indeed, not to forget the clothes - that blue dress Grace wears is absolutely gorgeous. And the outfit at the driving scene is super stylish as well with the gloves, the scarf... *sigh* 50's fashion was so elegant.