In 1987 Michael Douglas starred in the acclaimed movie "Wall Street" playing the role of Gordon Gekko, one of the most powerful & successful men in Wall Street. Gekko stood apart from the rest, in a decade in which style was evolving constantly from bold to more casual, by taking elements from the Dandy look of the 30s & 40s, and adding a modern twist to them.
On September 24, 2010 Gordon Gekko will be back on cinemas worldwide with the sequel to this film, "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps".
Photo: Flickr
This role has been an inspiration for every man's style!
ReplyDeleteAnd his acting was great too...!
Too bad the new film is not that good....
Indeed definetly an inspiration! He brought back the classic dandy look to the 80s. Well you know what they say about sequels, but well I'll watch it anyway.