"Roman Holiday" is undoubtedly a cinema classic that manages to portray Rome and its essence with perfection. Co-starred by Hollywood legends Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck in 1953, "Roman Holiday" tells the story of a Princess's quest for freedom and love within the streets of Rome and its impressive landmarks.
One of the film's most iconic scenes takes place when Hepburn and Peck ride a Vespa by the Colosseum. This scene wasn't only used to promote the film, but throughtout the years many have attempted to recreate it while visiting Rome.
In the Summer of 2011 coinciding with the Venice Film Festival, L'oreal launched a campaign to promote some of its lipsticks, that recreated iconic moments from films such as: "Roman Holiday", "La Dolce Vita", "Venezia la Luna e Tu", "Ieri Oggi Domani", &"Rocco e I Suoi Fratelli".
Below the photo that pays tribute to "Roman Holiday" or "Vacanze Romana" shot by talented photographer and hand-printed fabric artist, Zazie Gnecchi Ruscone.
A photo that not only recreates with perfection this cinema moment, but also gives a lesson of style with the ensembles worn by the "new" Princess Ann and Joe Bradley, whose sunglasses are L.G.R. Sunglasses' newest model: October.
"Rome, by all means, Rome...."
Photo: Zazie Gnecchi Ruscone/L'Oreal
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