40 years ago, around these days, an iconic and era defining event took place: Woodstock. For 3 days (August 15-18, 1969) the world's attention was focused on this site located on Bethel, New York. Woodstock is one of the most famous massive rock concerts in history, probably not the most attended since it was topped in the 80s by Live Aid, but the most remembered.

Besides being a venue for the best rock performers of the mid-late 60s, Woodstock was if you look at it a massive "runway" where one could see the best of the bohemian, ethnic, and hippie fashions of the time.
For 3 days people congregated around a stage to listen to their musical idols and lived in a community, those were days of peace & love, and we know the rest...
Among those who performed at Woodstock we have authentic musical legends and talents: Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, The Who, Jefferson Airplane, Santana, Joan Baez, Grateful Dead, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Joe Cocker, Blood, Sweat & Tears...just to mention a few.
Below some of them performing at Woodstock:

Even though 40 years have gone by already, Woodstock still continues to fascinate and interest those who attended it or are part of the Baby Boomer generation; and those who weren't born yet or were too young for it.
Woodstock was a turning point in history, it closed the 60s in a spectacular way, it marked the end of an era and the start of a new one. For 3 days the world, or at least the crowd at Woodstock had the opportunity to live by the principles and values of the Hippies (Peace & Love); they lived briefly in a utopic world, a world that can become a reality one day if we try to make a positive difference on it and spread the message of peace & love, equality, justice, responsability, and cooperation amongst our family, peers, and fellow citizens.
Photos: Flickr